Member-only story
10 things to quit
Are you up for the challenge.
Have you ever paid attention to your habits that aren’t so commonly discussed? Like when you walk by a window, do you obsess at your reflection? If you’re talking to someone when a mirror is in front of you, do you speak to the person or to yourself in the mirror?
I’ve composed a list of things that I used to do or still do but am making efforts to stop that I now know, with certainty, women around the planet do as well. They contribute to nothing. Spoiler alert: The two things listed above aren’t on the list.
I’m not sure how old you are. Maybe you’re 42, maybe your 23. It doesn’t really matter. However old you are, no one ever said, “I regret taking a break from booze.” Try questioning why the only way you know how to be social is with it. Try asking why you need alcohol to have sex or to cut loose, or to feel good? What is happening inside of you that is stopping you from doing it on your own? Too ugly to look at? Do you know what’s uglier to look at? You in 20 years because you were too afraid to take a break from drinking to look at yourself.
Yes, people still smoke. How do I know? Because I live in Europe, seeing people there smoking seems normal when I return to the US and realize it’s not. There are moments that smoking…