Member-only story
My Tumble With The Bumble
Matching with someone feels the same as winning a pinball game.
I live in France.
I do not speak French.
I do not have a car.
96% of the time none of this bothers me. In fact, I find it a point of pride. I’m living an uncharted life and it’s thrilling. I’ve met people, not very many, but some. The few I’ve met have been true gems. This includes my neighbor.
A month ago, my neighbor told me:
To learn French, the fastest way, will be to date a French boy.
Considering the circumstances previously mentioned, my ability to meet anyone, much less a French boy, is limited. I said:
You have friends, give me a good one.
He said:
You can check Tinder or Adopte un Mec.
I thought:
Me? App dating? What kind of girl does he think I am?
What kind of girl do I think I am?
The kind of girl that needs to learn French.
For reasons unknown to me, my phone refused download any new applications in November, thus transitioning my app…