What I’ve Gained from Learning French

6 min readSep 9, 2021

And 5 Language Learning Tips for You

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Some people are extroverts. They have a great relationship with themselves, a great relationship with alcohol, don’t question the consequences of anything, and dive in headfirst. These people thrive in situations like moving to a new country and not speaking the native language.

I am not this kind of person.

I fret. I let my knowledge of not speaking perfectly prevent me from fully experiencing the city I live in. I don’t speak imperfectly; in fact, I barely spoke. Not by an inability to do so, but because I was afraid.

I’ve been studying French for almost two years.

When I say studying, I mean, half-ass studying. I mean a couple of hours here, a couple of hours there, an occasional week, a poorly invested program three times, etc.

When I began studying French, I half-assed it initially because I wasn’t here very much. I came for a few weeks and then would travel for a few weeks. I had a casual relationship with France.

Naturally, COVID made my relationship with France change. I went from being casual to being a bit more exclusive. But even then I wasn’t sure that I was going to stay here. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to, and because of that, I didn’t take my studying…

